Java Keywords List.
1. What is “Abstract” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The Java Abstract keyword is used to achieve abstraction in java. It is a non-access modifier. It is used for classes and methods. An abstract method can be used in an abstract class and it does not have a body. The body is provided by subclass. An abstract class cannot be used to create objects. To access it you must be inherited from another class.
2. What is “Assert” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The Java Assert Keyword is a statement in java. It is used to define an assert and to quickly verify certain assumptions or state of a program.
3. What is “Boolean” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The Java “Boolean” Keyword is a data type that can hold True and False values only. The Boolean values are mostly used for conditional test.
4. What is “Break” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The Java Break Keyword is used to break the loop condition immediately the control of the program moves to the next statement and it terminates the sequence in a switch statement.
5. What is “Byte” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The Java “byte” keyword is a primitive data type. It is used to declare variables. It can also be used with methods to return byte values and it holds an 8-bit integer values.
6. What is “Case” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The “case” statement is used when we have number of options and we may need to perform a different task for each Case. The Case is a Switch block it can be labeled with one or more case or default label. The Switch statement evaluates its expression, and then executes all Switch statements.
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7. What is “Catch” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The java “Catch” keyword is used to catch the errors. The catch statement allows you to define a block of code to be executed. By using Try……Catch block we can easily find out Errors in the Program.
8. What is “Catch” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The Java char keyword is a primitive data type. It is used to declare the character-type variables and methods. A char variable represents a single character. It is declared like this ‘Java 8’, ‘Java 9’.
9. What is “Class” Keyword in Java?
The java Class keyword is used to create a class. Class is a blueprint or a set of instructions to build a specific type of object. A class is a group of objects which have common properties. It is a logical entity not a physical.
10. What is “Const” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The java “Const” keyword is Unused but reserved.
11. What is “Continue” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The “Continue” keyword is used to end the current iteration in a loop. It causes the loop to immediately jump to the next iteration of the loop. It is used in any of the loop control structures.
12. What is “Default” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The Java “default” keyword is an access modifier. The purpose of default method is to add new methods to an interface that will not break the existing sub types of that interface. It’s a new feature in Java 8 which allows an interface to provide an implementation.
13. What is “do” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The Java “do” keyword is used in control statement to declare a loop. It can iterate a part of the program several times.It is also used to start a “do-while” loop in java. It may not be used as identifiers.
14. What is “double” Keyword in Java?
Answer: The “Double” keyword is used to declare a floating point variable as a numeric type it can hold a 64-bit. It is a primitive data type Double. This keyword is also used to declare the method that returns a value of the primitive type double.
15. What is “else” Keyword in Java?
Answer: In Java, “Else” Keyword is used to specify a statement or block of statements in an IF condition. That are executed when the condition in an if statement is not true.The else keyword is always used in association with if keyword in an if−else statement and also checks Boolean condition: true or false.
16. What is “Enum” Keyword in Java?
Answer: In Java the “Enum” keyword is used to declare an enumerated type. It is a data type which contains fixed set of constants. To create an enum, use the enum keyword instead of class or interface and separate the constants with comma.
17. What is “Extends” Keyword in Java?
Answer: In Java, “extends” keyword is used to extend the functionality of the parent class to the subclass. That means the child class inherits or acquires all the properties of the parent class. It specifies a parent-child relationship. For example class Vehicle extends class Car. Here Car class is a parent class and Vehicle class is a child class. We can also inherit the fields and methods of a class by using Extends keyword.
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